
European news without borders. In your language.

The best stories from all over Europe, curated by the Display Europe editorial team.
This is a growing collection of pan-European journalism, with some stories exclusive to certain languages.
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Traczyk: A lot has to change to stay the way it is [interview].

. Katarzyna Przyborska: The government of Donald Tusk got a three in your survey. Medium. Because from the PiS voters a tally, from the Confederation a tally with a plus, from the Left and 3D a three and from the KO electorate a 4 plus. And at the same time Polish women and men are…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

"Poland is the kind of Ukraine that got lucky" [postcard from Kyiv].

. Me and Artur, my buddy, had no doubt for some time that we needed to go to Ukraine. To visit old friends and see how they live with all this war. Listen to what they have to say and then repeat it in western Europe. We booked a hotel and tickets for the fourth…
Radio FRO Federated content

World receiver: Prosfygika

Prosfygika – self-managed neighborhood in Athens Prosfygika is a large autonomous neighborhood and a place that international activists encounter at some point. But since its founding, this squatted neighborhood has been under attack. Regardless of which party is in power in Athens and Greece. In September 2024, Prosfygika published a call for solidarity. On the…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Watch out for Sergei [Critical East Newsletter].

. We have a newsletter outage, so today Paulina Siegien's Critical East Newsletter exceptionally did not reach you by email, but you can read it on the site. We are fixing the newsletter, so keep your fingers crossed that everything will be back to normal next week. And if you don't yet subscribe to our…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Housing a service, not a commodity? Poland 2050 minister wants to limit Airbnb monetization

. A few years ago, I attended a college friend's bachelor party that we organized in Krakow's Kazimierz. We rented a spacious apartment through an app in one of the old but well-maintained townhouses. The party generally went well, but when we were leaving the building on the second day with a laughing bunch, one…
Eurozine Federated content

Sustaining journalism

The 32nd European Meeting of Cultural Journals focuses on sustaining independent cultural journalism in an increasingly difficult public sphere. As an industry, the cultural and community media spheres in Europe are affected by shifting public funding models, digitised markets, audience expectations, and political interference. Bringing together Eurozine’s network partners and cultural professionals, as well as…
Voxeurop Federated content

Europe’s Sick man seals borders. On migration and economic crisis in Germany

Germany was first described as the "sick man of Europe" by the The Economist magazine in 1999, when the country was struggling with economic problems after reunification. However, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's timely labour market reforms ultimately bore fruit, with economists lauding Germany's transformation into an "economic superstar" by 2014. A decade later, the unflattering moniker…
Voxeurop Federated content

Floods in Central Europe: put the blame on human-made climate change

Attribution is a prodigious form of science: it determines how climate change has influenced the likelihood or intensity of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. Studies like these, going through peer-review, are usually published months or even years after an event occurred. The method used consists of eight steps, described here.…
Voxeurop Federated content

No competitiveness without integration and sustainability. On the Draghi report

“America innovates, China replicates, Europe regulates – the Draghi report in six words.” So tweeted the former Financial Times editor Lionel Barber, using a familiar meme to summarise former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi's report The future of European competitiveness.  To echo a Wall Street Journal headline that appeared back in June 2024, a…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Taking back the right's monopoly on laughter is a matter of life and death

. There are few things as serious as laughter. Still, it seems to be underestimated. One usually dissects important things by citing, preferably, some Dostoevsky, but no more - by watching Monty Python. And yet - remarks John Cleese, one of the Pythons - "just think about how many great dramatic films there are, and…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

The Banality of the End [about the film "Don't Promise Yourself Too Much After the End of the World"].

. The film Don't Promise Yourself Too Much After the End of the World confirms what we've known since at least the Golden Bear-winning Berlin An Unfortunate Number or Crazy Porn (2021): that its director and screenwriter Radu Jude is the most original in his approach to the cinematic form, the most entertaining and one…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Left must mature for conscription

. To most political elites, the current flooding devastating southwestern Poland is part of the political narrative. For the ruling coalition, it is a moment to demonstrate the efficiency of state bodies, for the opposition - an ideal opportunity to point out the inefficiency of the government. Despite the impressive involvement of the uniformed…
Eurozine Federated content

Burning down the house

Imagine a map of Luxembourg. Cute, right? If we add up all the wildfires of the EU from 2023, it would cover Luxembourg twice, totalling above five hundred thousand hectares. When this show is published in the autumn of 2024, forest fire season is still in full swing, and trends are only going to get…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

Triumph of radicals in Austria. This is how the poorer middle class takes revenge on the weaker ones

. "We won't be stopped by the systemic parties or the media!" - shouted Herbert Kickl, leader of the far-right FPÖ party, a few weeks ago at a festival in the Upper Austrian city of Wels. His nervous hooting enraged a crowd equipped with red-white-and-red flags and mugs of beer. After Sunday's parliamentary elections, it…
Krytyka Polityczna Federated content

. On October 15 at 6 p.m. at the Faktyczny Dom Kultury with the authors of Nequality in Polish - Jakub Sawulski, Michał Brzeziński and Paweł Bukowski - will be discussed by Agnieszka Lichnerowicz. We invite you toa meeting around the launch of the first comprehensive monograph on inequality in Poland..   At the Sejm's…
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