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Become a media partner

If you are a media outlet, a (citizen-) journalist, or are coming from community media, and are dedicated to promoting cross-border narratives and fostering a truly pan-European dialogue, we invite you to join the Display Network as partners in a collaborative federation that celebrates shared values and perspective. Please contact and we will provide you with the onboarding handbook and more information about the publishing process.

Content on the portal:

The content displayed on our portal is curated, however if a partner within the Display network offers content to be displayed on its portal, our Community Manager will approach it through their editorial supervision. To do so, please propose your content directly via

The interim guidelines for Community Editors and how content selections are made for the portal you can find below.

European Cultural Backbone – a Media Data Space:

In the Display network there is the possibility to interconnect through automated metadata exchange facilitated by open-source software, Repco (Replication and Collector, a description you can find under Repco Intro, the documentation under Repco Documentation and the first proto type under Repco Search). The metadata is gathered in a media data space called European Cultural Backbone. Our joint search and recommendation engines use the pooled data and facilitate to search across the participating platforms/ recommend content from the participating platforms. Content files remain within the originating partner platform, establishing a clear line of accountability for published content. The adjoined partners are invited to run the search/recommendation also on their website.

Partner platforms can be:

  • Journalistic Outlets (Type i): Assume direct responsibility for the content they publish, upholding high journalistic standards and values.
  • Host Providers (Type ii): Media Platform that host media content from Journalistic Outlets or (Citizen-) Journalists.


Structured Governance for Collective Empowerment:

To become a network partner, submit an application to our network board ( and embrace our network covenant. The covenant includes technical obligations and a set of moderation rules, promoting a democratic and responsible platform inline with the framework of the Journalism Trust Initiative.

  • Democratic Network Board: The board will be elected democratically by partner platforms, tasked with overseeing compliance with moderation rules and defining these rules collectively, in line with democratic principles.

Collaboration for a Broader Horizon Our network is driven by the desire to achieve a more extensive reach. We invite aspiring partners to integrate search and recommendation functionality within their platforms, enhancing access to content from various nodes.

Basic Info for Federated Editorial Material


As a community manager for Display Europe, your role is pivotal in curating a diverse and inclusive selection of pan-european content that upholds our commitment to giving voice and face to discriminated and oppressed minorities, standing up for fundamental rights and civil liberties, and contributing to democracy. The following guidelines will help you ensure that the content pool is effectively curated, and for the beginning up to 30-36 articles are selected weekly, with a focus on public values and inclusivity:

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion:

Prioritize articles that represent a wide spectrum of perspectives, cultures, and marginalized communities.

Select content that addresses a variety of issues relevant to different minority groups, social justice, human rights, and civil liberties.

Display Europe aims to concentrate on Pan-European content to cater to a diverse audience across the continent.

Maintain Editorial Integrity:

Choose articles that adhere to high journalistic standards and ethical guidelines.

Verify the credibility of sources and ensure that the provided information is accurate and well-researched.

Amplify Marginalized Voices:

Give preference to articles that elevate the voices of individuals and communities often underrepresented in mainstream media.

Highlight stories that provide insights into unique experiences and challenges faced by minorities.

Engage with Community Partners:

Display Europe places a premium on Citizen Journalism and Community Media Content by prominently showcasing diverse voices and perspectives across the continent and offers a stage for grassroots initiatives, local stories, and citizen-led reporting. Display Europe actively seeks out and elevates content produced by communities, amplifying their narratives and perspectives. By valuing and highlighting this content, it not only fosters a deeper connection between citizens but also promotes a more inclusive, dynamic, and multifaceted representation of Europe’s cultural, social, and political landscape.

Collaborate closely with Display Europe project partners and grantees to understand their perspectives and identify potential content contributions.

Encourage partners to provide content that aligns with the platform’s mission and values.

Prioritize Public Values:

Select articles that address pressing societal issues, encourage public discourse, and contribute to informed decision-making.

Highlight content that focuses on democracy, human rights, social justice, and civil liberties.

Curate Diverse Content Formats:

Choose a mix of content formats, including articles, opinion pieces, interviews, photo essays, videos, and more.

Ensure a variety of media types to cater to diverse audience preferences.

Apply an Intersectional Approach:

Consider the intersections of various identities (race, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.) when curating content.

Prioritize articles that discuss issues from an intersectional perspective.

Encourage Constructive Dialogue:

Select articles that stimulate meaningful conversations and respectful debates among the readership.

Avoid content that promotes hate speech, discrimination, or harmful stereotypes.

Showcase Success Stories:

Highlight articles that share success stories, achievements, and progress made by minority groups and individuals in their respective fields.

Review and Feedback:

Regularly review the content pool provided by project partners and grantees.

Provide constructive feedback to contributors when necessary, encouraging them to align with the platform’s values.

Examples of Curating Content:

In-depth Analyses: Select articles that analyze the impact of recent policy changes on minority communities, providing well-researched insights and potential implications.

Personal Narratives: Prioritize personal stories that shed light on the challenges faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds, showcasing their resilience and determination.

Opinion Pieces: Curate a variety of opinion pieces that present differing viewpoints on current societal issues, fostering healthy debates and critical thinking.

Feature Interviews: Highlight interviews with activists, leaders, and experts who work towards promoting social justice, civil liberties, and human rights.

Visual Content: Include photo essays and multimedia content that visually capture the experiences and cultures of marginalized communities.

Case Studies: Feature case studies that showcase successful initiatives, programs, or projects addressing the needs of discriminated minorities.

Publish with us

If you want to publish an article, podcast or video on, please contact us at and we will provide you with more information about the publishing process.

Please note that currently we do not have budget to pay for content that is offered to us by third parties.

If you do need funding, you can consider to apply for a micro-grant for cross-border journalism, together with journalists or media organisations in at least two other countries.

Our User Agreement can be found here.

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Display Europe!

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