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We are Sphera, a collective of independent media and cultural organisations producing videos, podcasts and online/offline events for young people today. Our videos are in English, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian and Polish. We talk about life as it is: complex and full of the shared topics that affect us all. Whether you care about the climate, new technologies or what just the future has in store on all fronts. Among our list of partners: Babel International, 444, El Salto, StreetPress, Popaganda, Krytyka Polityczna, VDNews, Dinamo, Arty Farty, Bulle Media. Our other social media channels: https://www.instagram.com/spheranetwork/ https://www.tiktok.com/@spheranetwork https://www.facebook.com/SpheraNetwork/ https://twitter.com/SpheraNetwork Do you want to know more about our network of independent European media and cultural actors? https://spheranetwork.com/ Links Website spheranetwork.com Twitter twitter.com/SpheraNetwork Instagram instagram.com/spheranetwork

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