
European news without borders. In your language.



Obligation to disclose pursuant to § 25 (5) Media Act (Österreichisches Mediengesetz)

Platform operator / Media owner

Display Europe
Missindorfstraße 19
1140 Vienna


Organisation Details

The founding assembly was held on October 16th 2023. It was entered in the commercial register on February 8th 2024.

Managing Director: Alexander Baratsits

Supervisory Board Members: Menno Weijs (European Cultural Foundation), Vladimir Radinović (EMCF), Paul Salvanès (Voxeurop), Roland Alton-Scheidl (fairkom)

Company registration number: FN619589k (Handelsgericht Wien)

UID: ATU80768689

Legal Details

Applicable legal provisions: Audiovisual Media Services Act (AMD-G), Media Act

Regulatory Authority: KommAustria, Mariahilfer Strasse 77-79, 1060 Vienna

Object of the organisation and declaration on the orientation

Display Europe operates a media platform that (i) publishes pan-European media-content, is oriented towards fundamental rights, and strives to comply with the Journalism Trust Initiative framework. (ii) hosts media content, in particular from civil society initiatives, and provides open access to the publication of such content. is a ground-breaking media platform anchored in public values. The platform provides citizens across the continent with access to trustworthy information and to a picture of Europe that is not usually conveyed by mainstream or national media. Through translation, syndication and originally-created-content gathers and disseminates trustworthy media from across Europe. Built from a sovereign, self-governed, open-source digital infrastructure, will break-free from the Big Tech social media and streaming platforms that currently filter and frame media production. In this more democratic display of Europe, will be a force for democracy across the continent.

Conflict Resolution

If you encounter any legal violations, please send us your request in the form of an e-mail. It is important to be as precise as possible (screenshot, link, etc.) so that we know exactly what the concern is.
After sending, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of the e-mail.

Please send this e-mail to or write a ticket with this

Last Update: September 03 2024

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