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Hungary: farming affected by climate change

At the turn of the millennium, István Lénárt bought a large area of land at the foot of the Börzsöny, near the village of Szokolya, where for twenty years he built up an organic farm, while also reviving several centuries-old technologies that have been almost completely forgotten, which reduce the ecological footprint of farming to a minimum and increase its sustainability to a maximum.

A few years ago, due to drought and other consequences of climate change, he left his work of twenty years completely behind and moved to another part of the country, Somogy, where he hopes that better climatic conditions will allow him to continue his work.

To the best of his knowledge, he is one of the first Hungarian climate refugees to be forced to start a new life far from where they had been working.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

@negynegynegy is a Sphera Network member and this story is part of our “Climate emergency” series.

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