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Official Launch and Press Conference

On behalf of all consortium partners, we are happy to share with you the official launch and press conference of, a ground-breaking media platform anchored in public values. Display will enable access to a vast array of content from independent European media outlets that would otherwise remain confined to local or social circles, and therefore to a picture of Europe that is not usually conveyed by mainstream or national media. With its main purpose to provide citizens across the continent access to trustworthy information, Display Europe aims to revolutionize the European media landscape by focusing on translation, syndication, and originally created content.

Display Europe is co-funded by the European Union and run by a consortium of European Cultural Foundation (ECF), Cultural Broadcasting Archive (CBA), fairkom,  Eurozine,  Voxeurop,  Hostwriter,  Krytyka Polityczna,  El Diario, Good Conversations, Public SpacesCommunity Media Forum Europe (CMFE),  Human,  VPRO,  Sound & Vision,  YEPP Italia,  Fanzingo and Schuman Show.

Event Details:

This press conference will unveil key aspects of the Display Europe platform, including our unique approach to creating a unified yet diverse European media space, and our commitment to democratic values and open-source technology.


Moderator: Kelly Agathos

  • Mohamed Bah (City Rights Radio)
  • Roland Alton-Scheidl (fairkom)
  • Marija Katalinic (European Cultural Foundation)
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